Refund, Resend and Returns Policy
Orders Cancellation (for status "Pending" only).
For orders cancellation, We( offers a full refund before products are processed by warehouse.
For orders shipped to the USA, it will be counted 45 days after orders departed from the warehouse.
We will make a refund, resend, or accept the return for any of the following cases:
a. For incorrect products, we offers a full refund or replacement.
b. For products with the wrong color, size which don't affect product function, etc.,
We offers a refund or resend if you provide a complaint including name, content and date.
c. For parts missing which doesn’t affect product function, We may refund partially or resend the missing part;
for parts missing which affect product function, we will resend the product only.
d. For accessories, We will resend the accessories.
e. If You do not receive the package, a non-delivery certification issued by the local post office with an official seal is necessary.
We offer a quicker dispute solution and would appreciate it a lot if you provide:
a. Photos or videos of the damaged item to prove damage. If the photo cannot prove the products are damaged, please upload the video.
b. Screenshot of the e-mail or dispute received including name, date and content. In other words, a customer has sent the complaint (Through PayPal Dispute or other Gateway, e-mail, etc.).
c. The products need to be returned to if our Dispute Team asks for a return in Disputes.
We cannot offer a refund or resend if you don’t process the undelivered orders or packages destroyed by logistics companies.
For size problem, we will appreciate it a lot if you can measure the product according to the correct measurement method
and provide us the photo of measurement. Then, our dispute team will deal with your disputes quickly.
Please return products within 30 days after receiving products.
Women's Wear Irregular Pattern Long-sleeved Trousers V-neck Two-piece Suit
Suits & Sets
![C5938 Light Blue-L](
![C5938 Light Blue-M](
![C5938 Light Blue-S](
![C5938 Light Blue-XL](
![C5938 Light Blue-XXL](
![C5938 Light Green-L](
![C5938 Light Green-M](
![C5938 Light Green-S](
![C5938 Light Green-XL](
![C5938 Light Green-XXL](
![C5938 Purple-L](
![C5938 Purple-M](
![C5938 Purple-S](
![C5938 Purple-XL](
![C5938 Purple-XXL](
Price: $21.00
Total: $21.00
Product Description
Product information:
Pattern: color matching
Fabric name: milk Silk
Color: C5938-light blue, C5938-purple, C5938-light green
Sleeve type: regular sleeve
Pants length: trousers
Main fabric composition: Polyester (polyester fiber)
Size: S,M,L,XL,XXL
Applicable Gender: Female
Style type: temperament commute
Sleeve length: long sleeve
Popular elements: Painted
Style: Elegant style
Craft: Printing
Packing list:
Fashion women's clothing x 1 set
Product Image:
Additional Information
Suits & SetsECDBD4C4-7467-4831-9F55-740E3C7968BE
SKU : CJLS1908520
Weight : 250.00-290.00